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For to enable the ships arriving from the sea to find the "See-Tief" (the natural navigation channel) which leads to the port and for to distinguish shallows it is necessary to mark the navigation channel with easily visible signs so that they can follow it precisely. These signs consist of tall scaffoldings standing ashore with mobile rods which one calls "Richtbaken" (directional beacons). They are installed in a straight line to indicate the exact direction of the "See-Tief". On the map these are described with 1, 2 and 3.
When an arriving seaman is approximately one mile off the port, then he already can be aware of the beacons, and must keep such direction that the beacons appear in a straight line to him. |
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Beschreibung des Memelschen Hafens und der daselbst angelegten Werke, nebst einem Situations=Plane. By Herrn Hafenbau=Inspector Veit in Memel - 1821
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